Keyworker Support
All residents are allocated a Keyworker who are there to help each resident, on their path to independent living.
Keyworkers support the young person in the following areas:
Budgeting and managing own finances
Daily routines
Food shopping
Applying for benefits
Support with registering with health services
Keeping accommodation clean and tidy
Building resilience

Aside from supporting the young people with their daily lives, the Keyworker will complete ten independence activity packs, which we feel, skills our young people to live independently.
MoCoCo House Independence activity packs:
Module 1: Accommodation and Housekeeping.
Module 2: Health and Wellbeing.
Module 3: Personal Care and Hygiene.
Module 4: Health and Safety & Personal Safety.
Module 5: Internet Safety.
Module 6: Managing Money.
Module 7: Community and Citizenship.
Module 8: Healthy Relationships.
Module 9: Personal Development.
Module 10: Tenancy Ready.
Module 11: Mother and Baby (Optional)

Tenancy Ready Certificate
Once all independence work has been completed, each young person will receive a tenancy ready certificate, a landlord reference, and a £50.00 gift card (of their choice). We aim that every young person will also move on with a completed CV and a Record of achievement.